Projects Completed in 2013 Year

Project title: Creating opportunities for newly founded social enterprises in Zugdidi
Implementation period: 2013
Budget: 8788 GEL
Donor: ASB

Project title: Training on Social Advocaty for Small Group Home service providers
Implementation period: 2013
Budget: 450 GEL
Donor: ASGH

Project title: Training on Social Advocacy for SOS Children's Village staff
Implementation period: 2013
Budget: 2000 GEL
Donor: SOS

Project title: Training in Foundation of Social Work for staff of the Kutaisi and Zugdidi brunches of the Ministry of IDP and Refugee Affairs

Implementation period: 2013
Budget: 10 078 USD
Donor: UNDP

Project title: Supporting monitoring system of child welfare services
Implementation period: 2012-2013
Budget: 130950 GEL

Project title: Supporting Social Work System Development
Implementation period: 2012-2013
Budget: 181137 GEL