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This webpage is funded by the European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation within the project  “Social Workers in Collaboration for Social Change in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries”  implemented jointly with Hilfswerk Austria International. 

Professional Supervision

Social work is carried out by the professionals who are at a high risk of professional burnout, especially those social workers working on the field, i.e. undertaking direct practice. These social workers should themselves be protected from the psychological and emotional factors which affect them in their work. However, medium and high level manager social workers also need professional supervision which helps them to better deal with the difficulties or professional dilemmas related to management and administration, and policy development and implementation. Therefore, professional supervision has a great role in social work practice.
Professional supervision is the most important element of psycho-social service provision. The goal of professional supervision is to ensure the quality of social work services and provision of client-centered services. Its objective is to provide regular support to social workers’ practice. It is one of the most efficient mechanisms to prevent the burnout of social workers and other members of multidisciplinary teams.
GASW has been supporting the implementation of the practice of internal professional supervision during the last 10 years in various state or non-state social services with the support of international donors. In addition, GASW offers paid external professional supervision to interested organizations.
Forms of external professional supervision provided by GASW include individual, group and/or mixed models.
The possible functions of professional supervision carried out by GASW include the following:
  1. Administrative – ensures compatibility of social work practice with relevant legislation, policy and organizational procedures and rules; this supports creation of effective work environment;
  2. Educational – includes support to the education and professional development of social workers with the goal to deepen their knowledge and develop their skills;
  3. Supervision over cases – includes support and supervision of social workers in the process of working on individual cases by providing methodological guidance and professional advice;
  4. Personal support – includes support to social workers in overcoming burnout and work-related stress in order to ensure provision of quality and client-centered services. 
The format of professional supervision is developed as per the requirements of the specific group or organization.
Professional supervision is carried out by experienced members of GASW who have higher education in social work (at minimum, master’s degree) and at minimum 5 years of practice in social work.
To find out the cost of professional supervision and other details related to cooperation with GASW, please, contact: Mariam Beridze, Office Manager. Telephone - office: +995 32 239 00 71, mobile: +995 555 57 50 25.


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Where to find us?

44 Kazbegi av., 2nd Floor, Tbilisi 0177, Georgia
Phone Number
+995 32 239 00 71

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