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This webpage is funded by the European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation within the project  “Social Workers in Collaboration for Social Change in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries”  implemented jointly with Hilfswerk Austria International. 


GASW in Media


სახელმწიფო ზრუნვის სააგენტომ სოციალური მუშაობის გაძლიერების კუთხით ჩატარებული სამუშაოები შეაჯამა

სახელმწიფო ზრუნვის სააგენტომ სოციალური მუშაობის გაძლიერებისა და სისტემური ინსტიტუციონალიზაციის ხელშეწყობის კუთხით ჩატარებული სამუშაოები შეაჯამა.  

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სოციალური მუშაკის როლი ბავშვთა უფლებების დაცვაში
ჩვენი თანამშრომელი ირმა ბებერაშვილი საუბრობს სოციალური მუშაკის როლზე ბავშვთა უფლებების დაცვის მიმართულებით. გადაცემაში ასევე დატრიალდა მოკლე ანიმაციური ვიდეო-რგოლი სოციალური მუშაობის შესახებ.
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Non-governmental organization McLean Association for Children    2016-2020
Non-governmental organization Tajikistan Association of Professional Social Workers  2015-2020
Non-governmental organization Azerbaijan Social Work Public Union 2015-2020

Non-governmental organization ,,Harmonic Society” Armenian Association of Social Workers 2015-20120
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi state university 2013-2015: 
  State agencies:
1. Tbilisi Home for Elderly
2. 198 school children with disabilities
3. Psychoneurological Drug Prevention Center
4. # 5 hospital
5. Prosecutors of Georgia
6. National probation agency
7. Center for Crime Prevention
8. Tbilisi City Hall "Social Housing"
9. National Center for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases
10. Ministry of Education and Science, office of Resource officers of educational institutions Psychological Service
11. Organization, “first step” Georgia
International Organizations
  1. Save the Children
  2. "World Vision" Georgia
  3. "SOS" Children's Village in Georgia
  4.  Charity Foundation "Caritas"
  5.  patients in the service of the Order of the clergy (kamilielebi) branch in Georgia 
Local non-governmental organizations:
  1. Psycho-social Rehabilitation Center
  2. Organization, „Partnership for Children”
  3. Organization “Children of Georgia”
  4.  Homecare Coalition
  5. Fund “Taoba”
  6. Union "Safari"
  7. Union Studio "A D C"
  8. Union "Child, Family and Society"
  9. Women's Information Center
  10. Union of People with Disabilities "Ia"
  11. Children with Disabilities Union "parental support"
  12. Anti-Violence Network
  13.  The non-governmental organization in evidence-based practice center
  14. Union for people who are in need of special care
  15.  NGO "Annika"
  16. The non-governmental organization "Child and Environment"
  17. Society "trail" in Gori
  18. Association "Our House Georgia"
  19. Region of Georgia
  20. Union "Parents' Bridge"
  21. Union of the Deaf
  22. Union of the Blind
  23. Non-profit organization "Hand in Hand"
  24. Church of the Transfiguration Convent of Mercy Center
  25. The "new way"
  26. New Vector”
  27. "Tanadgoma"
  28. "Helping Handy"
  29. "Identity"
  30. ​​Tbilisi Mental Health Center Ltd
  31. Public Health and Medicine Development Fund 

 Children and Youth National center 2014, 2015
 Center for Crime Prevention and Innovative Programs 2013-2017
 Penitentiary and Probation Training centre 2012-2016
 Prosecutor’s office 2012-2015
 “Identity” 2012-2013
 The public defender
 The Ministry of Corrections and Legal Assistance. Non-custodial Punishments and national probation agency 2012-2016
 Ministry of Labour, Helath and Social Affairs, “Social Service Agency” 2011-1015
 Ivane Javalhishvili Tbilisi State University 2011-2013:
  1.  Organization “Children of Georgia”
  2.   Homecare Coalition
  3.  Fund “Taoba”
  4.  Fund Global initiative in psychiatry
  5.  National Center for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases
  6.  Organization, “first step” Georgia
  7.  Union "Safari"
  8.  A. Gotsiridze Tbilisi Psych neurological dispensary, Ltd
  9.  Union Studio "A D C"
  10.  Union "Child, Family and Society"
  11.  Women's Information Center
  12.  Union of People with Disabilities "Ia"
  13.  Union of children with disabilities “parent’s support”
  14.  Anti-violence Network of Georgia
  15.  Public Health Foundation of Georgia (PHF)
  16.  SOS children village in Georgia
  17.  Non-governmental organization “ndoba”
  18.  Children day Centre “Sapovnela”
  19. A. Zurabishvili Mental health clinic
  20. Psycho social rehabilitation center
  21.  Union for people who are in need of special care
  22.  Britain charity organization “every child”
  23.  Georgian center for psychosocial and medical rehabilitation of torture victims
  24.  Ministry of education and science of Georgia
  25.  198 state school for children with disabilities
  26.  Psych neurological center
  27.  Non-governmental organization
  28.  Caritas Georgia
  29.  Cancer prevention
  30.  Non-governmental organization “ Child and environment” 
 Ilia State University 2012-2015
Association  of young professionals in energy of Georgia  2012-2014

Partner organizations: 

Hilfswerk Austria international;
UNDP- United Nations Development Program;
US embassy;
UNFPA-United Nations Population Fund;
Every child;
USAID-United states agency for international development;
World Vision;
Germany’s federal ministry for economic cooperation and development
Armenian association of social workers (AASW);
Azerbaijan social work public union (ASWPU)
Nursing association of Moldova (NARM)
Save the Children;
Caritas check Republic;
WIC- Women, Infants and children;
PIN- people in need;
First Step;
SOS children village;
ASB- Arbaiter Samariter Bund;
GIP- Global initiative in Psychiatry;
UB- United Blind
UN Women- United Nations Women;
OSGF-open Society Georgia Foundation;
CDA- Children development associate;
ICSW- International federation council on social work;
YDC- youth development center;
CYC- center for young children;
Ministry of Environment and natural resources protection of Georgia
IREX – International research and exchanges Board
AVNG- Anti-violence network in  Georgia
Ministry of education and science of Georgia
Ministry of Health, Labour and social affairs, social service agency and Ministry of sports and youth of Georgia.
International relations center in Tbilisi, Georgia
Social service agency
Georgian Bar association
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi state university
Ilia state university
GCCY-Georgian coalition for children and youth welfare
IFSW-International federation of social workers
Illianois association of school social workers
EASPD- European association of service providers for persons with disabilities
International Forum for child welfare


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44 Kazbegi av., 2nd Floor, Tbilisi 0177, Georgia
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+995 32 239 00 71

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