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This webpage is funded by the European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation within the project  “Social Workers in Collaboration for Social Change in Eastern Neighbourhood Countries”  implemented jointly with Hilfswerk Austria International. 

Shorena Sadzaglishvili

Shorena Sadzaglishvili is a co-founder, board member and senior clinical social work/ research consultant at GASW. Shorena Sadzaglishvili holds a MSW from Columbia University and Doctorate in Psychology from Dr. Uznadze Institute of Psychology of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia.

In addition, she enhanced her education in Psychometrics, Educational Measurements and Assessment at the Institute for Educational Measurement (CITO) in the Netherlands and at the Institute for international Pedagogical Research (DIPF) in Germany from 2008 to 2010. She is the recipient of a 2014 Visiting Research Scholar Fulbright Award to NYU Silver School of Social Work and Erasmus Mundus Research Award to Turku University Finland (2015). Her experience includes educational, social and health program development and implementation, policy advising and development.
Currently Shorena Sadzaglishvili is an Associate Professor in Social Work at Ilia State University and she is directing both the MSW and PhD programs. Shorena Sadzaglishvili is the founder of the first MSW Program in Georgia in 2006.   Dr. Sadzaglishvili is an author of many scientific articles and books in Social Work and Education. She has developed a number of manuals/guidelines in the fields of clinical social work, family and children, social work methods in criminal justice system, social work research, and social work practice teaching and education. She also developed strategic tools/documents in reforming social service system, child welfare, homelessness, and national education system (national assessment framework, teacher’s professional development).
Shorena Sadzaglishvili has over 20 years experience in working with social problems and vulnerable populations at micro, meso and macro levels and she held positions and internships in state, international and non-governmental organizations, and universities (Upper Manhatten Mental Health Center, Citi Care, Columbia University, New York University; National Curriculum and Assessment Center, Teacher Professional Development Center, UNDP, World Bank and etc.). Her research expertise involves different fields such as children and families, migration, IDP issues, aggression, terrorism, mental health/disability, health behaviour, drug addiction, poverty, corporate social responsibility and employment, etc. Her recent published research papers are focused on social work development in post soviet countires, social work education, poverty, street connected youth, corporate social responsibility, etc. Her articles are published in the peer-reviewed journals and her papers are presented at the International conferences and congresses. 


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