Implementation period: 29 september2008- 28 september 2009
Budget: 23 866 USD
Donor: US Embassy
Project title: Supporting social integration of ethnic minrity yoth
Implementation period: 01 August 2008-30 May 2009
Budget:18 930 GEL
Donor: US Embassy
Project title: Social Work professional regulation
Implementation period: 2008-2009
Budget: 17 705 GEL
Project title: Training on the issues of Trafficikng for childcare institutions
Implementation period: 2008-2009
Budget: 7 311 GEL
Project title: Developing BA/MA curruculum in early child development
Implementation period: 2008- 2009
Budget: 4 537 GEL
Project title: Capacity building of social service workers in Batumi muncipalicty
Implementation period: May 2009- october 2009
Budget: 13 900 USD
Donor: UNDP
Project title: Capacity building and supervision of social workers working with IDPs in Zugdidi
Implementation period: April-August 2009
Budget: 8 000 GEL
Donor: People in Need
Project title: Supporting the development of social housing in Tbilisi
Implementation period: March-May 2009
Budget: 7 180 USD
Donor: UNDP
Project title: Assessment and selection of social housing beneficiaries
Implementation period: 30 December 2008-30 May 2009
Budget: 18 125 GEL
Donor: SDC
Project title: Training on Domestic Violance
Implementation period: January-February 2009
Budget: 600 USD
Donor: WIC